Sunday, 29 March 2015


This photo was taken at the plains of #Maasai Mara National Reserve while on a 5days #Tour to the Rift Valley #Kenya. There is nothing gratifying than being too close to such a group of #Lions. We found the group resting under a shade after a long day hunt.

Saturday, 28 March 2015


We all get frustrated at some point in life. We become emotional when we fill our efforts have been shuttered and when a need is not satisfied.  Many people become expressive when they identify an imperative idea or a need.  At the same time, anxiety often grows in an individual when necessitate is identified as means of accomplishing the target frequently becomes a dilemma.

Constantly, there are numerous situations in life that may drive you crazy especially if you are wronged by an individual. Whether in our families, workplace, groups, relationships or in friendship, we a time get agitated by the outcome of a conflict between one person and the other.

However, any time you set a target, to achieve it, your efforts and commitment add a big percent towards realization of the set goal. In a situation where these goals fail to be realized, sometimes we become frustrated, and even some people give up. On the other hand, when one get involved in a conflict we times become emotional to an extent of reacting negatively. Cont……

In part of our training, we help you learn how to manage your emotions both in your good and bad moments.

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Wednesday, 25 March 2015

HOW TO ASCEND TO A HIGHER POSITION WITHIN YOUR PLACE OF WORK #Life #Inspirational #Motivational #Quotes # Training #True #Thoughts #Truth # Free #Positive #Business #Promotion #Organization

We all have different reasons for seeking a job. There are those who aim to fulfill their needs that may vary from one person to the other. Constantly, the first idea for many is typically to earn a livelihood, but at the same time develop one's career. Others consider the opportunity to meet new people as paramount in transforming their social life.  Becoming the next manager or C.E.O is always a dream for many but it's not just a walk in the park. It's not also surprising to find people who join organizations with no vision at all; that would change the organization and who they are. Rising from a common staff to a managerial and leadership position call for certain skills that would help you deliver the company expectations as you achieve your goals. However, it is notable that many of these positions are limited. By acknowledging this, you ought to then understand that your uniqueness in many areas is what determines if you get the presented opportunities. Doing impressive things that get you noticed by those in leadership is one of the best reliable approaches toward rising to higher position within the organization. But how do you get noticed by the relevant people in higher office. There are different ways that this can be achieved appropriately without compromising other colleagues' integrity towards those in leadership.  One impeccable way worth trying is creating good relations with those who are likely to recommend you for higher positions. Secondly, engage yourself in initiatives that are valued by the organization. Thirdly, develop your expertise to a level where the company considers you a valuable asset. Also, find out what other people in your circles need; by this you form the basis for leadership. Remaining proactive on matters poignant to organizational objectives might give you credit for getting noticed. Train yourself to do things that will help you remain relevant.  And finally think big, being innovative might take you to another level within the organizational structure.

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Tuesday, 24 March 2015

HOW TO TRAIN YOUR MIND TO ONLY SCRUTINIZE WHAT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE #Life #Inspirational #Motivational #Quotes# Training #True #Thoughts #Truth # Free #Positive

          Our minds obtain a lot of information within seconds, but all this information is hardly ever utilized as some of it may not be valuable. However in a period the information is recurrently used to keep our minds vigorous and also strengthen our brain nervous connections helping us to remember things effectively.  Through our five senses, we gather both positive and negative information that for a while if not well managed can cause us pain and even affect our health. At the same time, research has it that information gathered in our brain is stored in our subconscious mind, and later retrieved for use where required.
Training our minds to focus on positive information is virtues that we can all rely on to change our lives. We all have the potentials to scan through the information in our mind either in form of images or objects to determine what is good for us and what's not. What we go through in life finds a way to our subconscious mind. And every time we want to work for something especially our goals, whatever retrieved information that comes first influences our motives, desires, thoughts, and our conscience.  Your bad and good moments also tend to influence your behavior and reactions toward what might probably be an opportunity to change your life.By practicing to let our brain only hoard what is vital and anything related to positive thinking; it then becomes easier to concentrate on what we can do to make our ideas a reality. We have the power to manage any information stored in our mind whether good or bad and resolve what information to utilize in real life situation to achieve success. Bad experiences can also be turned into opportunities though we can't just discard whatever we didn't like in our precedent life experiences. Sometimes these experiences can be helpful in changing bad moments to unimaginable opportunities that can transform our lives completely.
Certainly, we should train ourselves to ignore bad memories. After all, this does not only limit our abilities to distinguish opportunities but turn our brain into a state of perplexity limiting us to deal with real life situation. 
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Saturday, 21 March 2015

FIND OUT WHY YOUR BUSINESS IS NOT REALLY DOING WELL #Entrepreneurs #Business #Insight #Failure #Thoughts

There are many reasons for business failure globally. But here are some tips to why your business could be failing and not generating profits.
1.      Your relation with your customers/employees is questionable
2.      Your investment idea was not well researched for
3.      You are doing less to make your business known out there “advertising”
4.      You don't take time to update yourself with emerging issues that influence    
         Consumer decisions in buying
5.      There is a probability you have the wrong people to help you do business
6.      Your are likely to be spending more than you're earning in the business
7.      Your capital may be was not enough for the business in the start
8.      You do less to motivate your staff
9.      You might have borrowed the business idea from somebody else hence not your idea
10.     Your identity “brand” is not clear among the consumers
11.      Your physical location and establishment is not attractive to the consumers

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Thursday, 19 March 2015

HOW TO DEAL WITH “WHAT IF” QUESTIONS #Life #Inspirational #Motivational #Quotes #Training #True #Thoughts

There are various situations we constantly find ourselves unaware of what might happen if we tried new ventures. We regularly ask ourselves the "What IF" Questions while planning for something that would change our lives forever but at a risk. It's ordinary that any time we identify a need, we have to take actions whether with high risk implicated or not.  We also tend to experience anxiety as we are uncertain how the need will be achieved. Making decisions about whether to start  or invest in a business, scrounge a loan, get married, go for holiday, means of travel, what to do on a holiday, acquire a house through mortgage e.t.c become a bit tricky for many as the "What IF" Questions will always emerge. How many times have you thought of doing something incredible, but you keep postponing owing to the "What IF" Questions. To achieve your targets sometimes you have to take a risk, and many successful people will tell you that. Similarly, it is essential to do an analysis of the risk involved in the new venture and how this can be minimized or either controlled. By analyzing the risk involved, you can establish the impacts of the risk, measures to control the risk and who to engage in minimizing the risk.  Establishing if there are alternatives to the venture is critical in minimizing the risk, and if not, then you must step up and take action, but that is after establishing if you got the tools to get you through the risk. Doing something that you are not zealous about may not take you far, but might add to your failure. But if you do what you love, then use that to maneuver through the "What IF" Questions though bearing in mind other essentials you require to achieve your targets.  "The "What IF" Questions should never be an excuse for not working towards your goals, just develop an "I can do it" attitude, and then take action."
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Sunday, 15 March 2015

YOU ARE NOT JUST WHAT YOU SEE IN THE MIRROR #Life #Inspirational #Motivational #Quotes #Training #True #Thoughts

What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? Is it just a reflection of your physical being or do you see a reflection of your potentials and your capabilities of what you are competent of achieving?
Many people look in the mirror, and all they see is; a failure, a dreamer, a loser, a non-performer, a hustler, a disabled, a stammer, lawbreaker, etc. But constantly forget to look at what is that unique that differentiates them from other people. Understanding that we are all a different people in nature is enough to make us identify what is that we can do that other people can't do. The obstacles that come our way do not at all reflect who we become tomorrow but should keep us stronger to restrain bigger obstacles in the future. 
Obstacles also provide a platform for becoming better at what we do. People that have in the past successfully surpassed their impediments have today formed a success syndrome for themselves as they get courage to face more obstacles. Nobody understands your inner self better than you do, but yes other people can help you identify the hidden treasures in you, particularly your potentials. Through other people sometimes we can find out who we are, this we can capitalize on to become successful. Concentrating on what you are capable of doing, your passion, increases your stamina to focus on your mini strengths that facilitate you scale to greater heights of success in life.
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Friday, 13 March 2015

“Know who you are; become the person you ought to be.” #Training #Inspirational #Motivational

Understanding ourselves is a vital factor in working towards achieving individual goals. We all face difficulties in life and have our weaknesses that either fails' us in a way, but for those with a positive attitude, they use these weaknesses to achieve success. The moment we are unable to acquaint ourselves with who we are, we become a stagnant lake without water inlets or outlet, and we become salty. We are powerless to support any life, and hence we are unable to experience any growth. We for a while even become venomous to our health. People who become stressed leading to other complications like depression stops being productive and fail to allow their mind remain active. It also becomes thorny for one to be productive if there is nothing positive in mind to push you to deal with upcoming challenges and work towards finding solutions.  Believing in ourselves and our abilities create outstanding confidence on what we can achieve and oils our minds to keep on fighting for what we believe will help us cross over barriers on our road map to success. Acknowledging your abilities transforms your mentality to focus on your strengths; this helps you to work toward satisfying your needs.
"Know who you are; become the person you ought to be."

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Wednesday, 11 March 2015


Determine the place of your choice and interest that will meet your needs. It's advisable to find out what is unique about the place of your choice in comparison to other destinations. By determining the best place for your holiday, this raises your fortitude to travel and also the humor to learn and experience new things.
2.            WHAT'S YOUR BUDGET?
Decide how much you would wish to spend during your holiday. Establish as many alternatives as possible that match the destination of your choice, this will help you identify the best destinations at your cost. "There are budget places out there with a high standard of services where you get value for money."
Discover new places that you have not visited before to make your holiday more exciting unless you have more assurance in the first place of the visit due to past experiences. Identify the various sources of information where you are likely to learn more about new destinations. Familiarize yourself with the destination of your choice either through online videos or images; this will boost your moral for the holiday.
Determine the activities you will be doing during your holiday. Each day count's, there is nothing boring like being idle for some hours during the holiday. Understand the tour plan suggested by your agent and its flexibility. Understand all the ground work arrangements but remember when you have paid for services through the operator it's your time to relax and enjoy the tour. Allow the operator to do his job.
Establish if you need the assistance of an agent or the tour operator. Are you visiting the destination for the first time? Nobody knows everything, for you to enjoy the holiday and peace contract an intermediary. Consider if the contractor services are up to standard and if the company can meet your demands.
Understand how long the holiday will take as this will affect your budget. By knowing the duration the tour is likely to take, it is easier to plan for the various activities. Find out the various accommodations alternatives available but avoid shifting from one hotel to the other as this may likely affect your level of satisfaction.
Determine how many people will be accompanying you on the holiday this also affects your budget. Establish the technicalities of travelling with kids, people with disabilities, and pets.
There is life after the holiday don't overspend
 Many people tend to overspend due to misinformation on areas they are likely to pay for supplementary services. Always understand what is inclusive and what's not in the holiday package.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015



Our company has identified and studied a range of your interest and preferences for a destination; from outstanding Tours to Exclusive Glamorous Accommodation products in Kenya and beyond. Our effort is to facilitate you plan for your holiday as you identify the diverse available accommodation products; from the most Luxurious to Budget accommodation that will meet and satisfy your needs. While our role is to do the ground work to make your holiday successful. We have also identified niche destinations in Kenya from the exotic natural ecosystems, beautiful and unexploited beaches, to the highest peak of Mt. Kenya and Mt. Kilimanjaro. Your dependability is to ask how we can help while we identify and give solutions to your inquiries through our highly trained experts in the industry. We have also identified key areas that you can hold meetings for small to bigger groups, conferences, and conventions. Whether corporate or individual we develop customized products that help you have a blast and an unforgettable experience.  

Images on this blog belongs to the blogger, others belong to owners.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Know what you will learn from us!

               Our aim is to help you as an individual or as corporate establish better approaches towards personal growth and self-satisfaction as we help organizations realize their goals through improved strategies towards employees by the management team. Realizing individual goals is also a tough process as knowing what you need is vital to achieving success.
      Many people fail to achieve their goals due to malfunction of understanding oneself. We all have different characteristic that require effective management. Our attitude, personalities along with other personal characteristics may limit our abilities to achieving our goals if not properly managed.

       By helping you identify the importance of these characteristics, you will be able to learn how the negativity in these characteristics may be turned around to a bridge towards success. For organizations, our responsibility will be to train the management teams on how employee's characteristics can be turned into opportunities for the organizations to realize its objectives. 

Sunday, 8 March 2015


          Our services are highly segmented in accordance with our client's needs.  Through a variety of our services, we provide best practices and strategies for achieving individual or company short and long term goals. In order to give you high-quality services, we have recruited exclusive group of personnel with elevated qualifications in pertinent fields to suit your demands.
Smart Havens services have been classified into five key areas of global interest.           
            Through these areas we feature:
           In our training package, we recruit your employees on how to manage their income, how to improve human relations at the workplace, and how managers can offer good leadership among other staff. We also train the immediate supervisors on how they can use their skills in creating a working team that would maximize on employee's potentials. We have also considered the needs for the management to understand their employee's behaviors.
             In this area, we consider recruiting the managers on ways they can identify and react to behavioral changes among the staff. Through this training, your organization will be able to deliver high-quality services via the trained personnel's through which your key objectives will be realized.

             In our Motivational talk package, we provide you with various options to choose from. Through this package, we help you reflect on the impacts of having a de-motivated workforce and how people's mindset can be controlled if not change. In many cases, employees do react when either their needs are not met or when not happy with the workplace environment. With our experts, we will coach managers in your organization establish  a different to understanding stressed employees and approaches to controlling stress if not changing the employee's character.
Our company will also practically coach your employees on ways to deal with situations if their expectations are not met. Under this package, we also target individuals, small groups that have a desire to achieve success. We give you a navigation strategy for success by having a one on one training your best practices to achieving success.

           In our corporate holiday packages, we give you an amazing and unforgettable experience for your employees. Our experts understand better the tourism industry, and your wish for us will be to turn your imagination into reality by organizing tours that fit well the management team and other subordinates. To help you enjoy your vacation, we listen. We give our clients time, and value their suggestion for the place they would wish to visit making it possible for customized tours for both individuals and group tours. We also capitalize on activities to be carried out while on the vacation, therefore, we have classified our tour packages into different categories of your choice.
·        Adventure tours
·        Special Interest Tours

          Our company has identified the best-trained professionals to help you in organizing and coordinating Meetings, Exhibitions, and Conferences. We listen and act on your demands. Our goal is to organize and give high-quality services that will leave amazed. Whether in small groups or large groups your choice for the venue is highly considered and details matters to us to make your events successful.
        Team building activities is one of the best approaches to creating a healthy workforce. Our company has therefore identified this as a key area for improving a healthy team. To enhance strong relations in the teams within your organization or group, we have profoundly designed various recreational activities that will leave you with a positive attitude about the people you work with. Through our highly trained professionals, we are dedicated to giving you the best experiences with our uniquely selected activities. We have designed diverse activities to suit the needs of different groups both within and outside the organization.
·        Outdoor Team Building
·        Indoor Team Building
·        Branch Team building
·        Leadership Team Building
·        Small Groups Team Building
      The process of launching companies' product is vital in achieving company's goals as this determines the positioning for its product.  We have identified this area to help you take the time to understand what to do before you launch your product. Through studies conducted many products fail due to lack of understanding what is important to products and the expectations of their clients. We have designed this product to give answers on what you can do to make your plan work. We will also help you look at what you can do with product launch and after the launch. Creating customer relations is important as this determines on the next sale you make in your business. Categories of training on product Launch.
·        What to do before a product launch
·        What to do during a product launch
·        What to do after a product launch
In our e-coaching package, we have established key various areas of interest for individuals, groups and corporate. Our services have been made flexible to suit your demands. By identifying your area of interest in any of the category, we will be in a position to deliver the services efficiently.
·        LEVEL I Package
·        LEVEL II Package
·        LEVEL III Package
·        LEVEL IV Package